The products are protected by one or more of the following patents and patent applications:
1. US 8,544,062
2. US 9,424,430
3. US 9,436,840
4. US 8,762,738
5. US 9,032,536
6. US 9,721,090
7. US 8,954,624
8. US 8,271,790
9. US 8,887,295
10. US 8,671,271
11. US 8,997,221
12. US 9,740,567
13. US 9,037,868
14. US application 15/675,741
15. US application 14/770996
16. UK 1842127
17. FR 1842127
18. DE 1842127
19. UK 2500442
20. FR 2500442
21. DE 2500442
22. AUS 2004295851
23. AUS 2007252841
24. AUS 2008344947
25. AUS 20062984
26. AUS 2005320900
27. AUS 2008344956
28. AUS 2010258234
29. Indian 242486
30. EP appl 2564324
31. EP appl 2356569
32. EP appl 2962209
33. EP appl 2441256